Tempo Estate Agro (Pvt) Ltd


Newro group produces day old chicks and distribute those to the own farms and farmers. Our commitment is to consistently delivering healthy, premium-quality breeding stock to our customers around the country. Apart from that, we produce broiler chicken from our farms and release from the factory outlets subjected to the entire local quality standards. Customers who rely on our services can be assured they will receive top-quality genetic stock from the Newro trade name.

Newro Group

At Newro Group we are committed to providing the highest quality products, every care and attention possible is taken to comply with all relevant legal and safety requirements.


T : 0112 408 954

T : 0112 537 367

E : info@newro.lk

Things to Know

Office : Monday - Saturday

Open : 8.30am - 5.30pm

Leave : Poya Day


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