Newro Meat Products (Pvt) Ltd

About Us


Providing local products at heights levels of specifications, standards and quality while adhering to International norms and standards

Newro meat product (Pvt) Ltd is one of the chicken processing and marketing company in Sri Lanka. Our products are marketed island wide under the brand name of “NEWRO”

The Director Mr Sisira Kumara commenced his business in small scale in 1986 with 5000 layers. Few years later he joined with Nelna Farms as a contract grower and gain skilled in boiler chicken raring. Mr Sirira worked for ten years from 1992 to 2002 with Nelna farm as a contract grower. In 2003 he left contract growing and commenced his own operating with 10,000 birds.

Mr Sisira expanded his business with buy back operating with no of contract growers in close proximity and began boiler raring processing and marketing in the areas of down south, up country and Colombo. The brand name of Newro is very famous in these areas.

At present the company produce more than 600,000 Kg for a month and demand for the products is being increased regularly


To be pioneers in the poultry industry through the continued development of the level of production and quality by adopting highest of quality standards in order to get both our customer satisfaction as well as our employees

Newro Group

At Newro Group we are committed to providing the highest quality products, every care and attention possible is taken to comply with all relevant legal and safety requirements.


T : 0112 408 954

T : 0112 537 367

E :

Things to Know

Office : Monday - Saturday

Open : 8.30am - 5.30pm

Leave : Poya Day


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